
Wadham Road

Wadham Road is a service operated by Nugent, and offers supported living to adults with Learning Disabilities and various health conditions.

Wadham Road is situated Opposite Bootle cricket club, which offers day and evening activities such as cricket lessons, bingo and evening entertainment. Wadham Road has great links to other areas on a bus and train route, and is central to local shops and amenities.

The home support is 24 hour and includes a sleep in carer to assist with needs during the night. Staff are dedicated and passionate with supporting people and have gone through our rigorous recruitment process to ensure the service is safe and effective.

Staff include and encourage people to be involved within the local community and regularly go for days out, theatre trips, dining out and invite family over for special occasions. Staff actively encourage people to make their own choices and empower people to make their own decisions and make use of the Mental Capacity Best Interest where needed.

The home is always welcoming and has a relaxed atmosphere, it encourages people to interact or spend quiet time if they so wish. The home is staffed 24/7, which means support is readily available and based on individual support plans, staff can offer 1:1 where this has been identified as a need.

A personal trainer also comes to Wadham road once a week and offers advice about nutrition and healthy living.

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