
Safeguarding children, young people and adults at risk.

In accordance with our mission and values statement, we have clear safeguarding policies for children and young people and adults at risk, written in accordance with current legislation related to the Protection of Vulnerable Groups Act.

Both policies contribute to our mission by creating a safeguarding framework within which such issues concerning the safety and welfare of children, young people and adults at risk will be carefully assessed and considered in a manner which respects the dignity, the rights and the confidentiality of each person involved while promoting their welfare.

The policies also set out the principles and give a context to the safeguarding procedures which have been developed in each of our services where we work with or on behalf of children, young people and adults at risk.

All children and young people, without exception, have the right to be protected from harm and to be provided with safe environments in which to grow with confidence.

It is the responsibility of everyone to ensure that the rights of children and young people are upheld and that children are kept safe and that welfare of adults at risk will be carefully assessed and considered in a manner which respects the dignity, rights and confidentiality of each person.

The policies give context to safeguarding procedures that have been developed across all adult and children’s services, and should, therefore, be read in conjunction with Local Authority adult safeguarding policies and procedures specific to the location of the service.

We take a pro-active role in the protection of children in the knowledge that safeguarding and promoting their welfare, in particular protecting them from significant harm, depends on effective joint working between agencies, professionals and volunteers.

We are committed to the principles and practice of inter-agency working.