
Catechetical work

As a catechist in the Archdiocese, Mary Beatham supports parish catechists and families in preparing their children with learning difficulties, for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion.

We regularly organise workshops for catechists and school chaplains to update everyone on new resources and good practice throughout the year. They are a good opportunity for everyone to discuss and share ideas and any issues of concern they may need help with.

Attending and leading on the Kairos Living Fully meetings, on behalf of Nugent this year, has enabled many people with learning disabilities to access a religious service and to address in a small way, feelings of isolation in these exceptional times. The meetings are as Pope Francis has asked for… creative, sharing reflectively and spiritually on the gospel readings, using music, art meditations, poetry, singing, prayers, videos, and BSL so the meetings are as inclusive as possible for everyone.

Mary continues to plan for the Good Shepherd mass celebration, usually held in June, and she supports the fundraising for the Good Shepherd appeal in our schools and parishes. As a former teacher, Mary contributes to the resources that go out into the schools in the new year, ready for Lenten assemblies for the Good Shepherd appeal. The appeal for 2021 is based on the Gospel miracle of the Feeding of the 5000 and on having a ‘Change of Heart’ inspired by the prophet Ezekiel.